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Once upon a time, there was a sweet little girl named Lisa. Lisa loved to have fun outdoors and try new adventures. But there was one thing that scared her immensely: she had a fear of swimming. Just the thought of putting her feet into deep water made her legs tremble.

Lisa lived close to the sea, and all her friends enjoyed swimming and playing in the waves. However, she always felt left out. It was sad to watch the other kids having fun while she stayed on the beach, watching.

One day, during the summer vacation, Lisa’s mom decided to enroll her in a swimming course. At first, the little girl was very worried. She wondered if she would ever be able to overcome her fear. But her mom was certain that the swimming course would be helpful and that she would learn to swim like the other kids.

THE FEAR OF SWIMMING: The first swimming lesson

On the first day of the lesson, Lisa arrived at the pool feeling a bit fearful. The swimming instructor, Mr. Andrea, was a very kind and patient person. He understood the children’s fears and knew how to help them overcome them.

Mr. Andrea began teaching Lisa the first steps of swimming. He explained how to move her arms and legs and how to breathe correctly in the water. At first, the little girl felt a bit insecure and clumsy, but the instructor always encouraged her and told her that she could do it.

Weeks went by, and Lisa started gaining confidence in the water. Every time she made a small progress, her face lit up with joy. She realized that swimming could be fun and that her fear was slowly fading away.

One day, during one of the lessons, Mr. Andrea said to her, “Today, we’ll play a fun game. You’ll swim to the end of the pool and then come back. If you can do it, you’ll officially be an expert swimmer!”

Lisa felt excited and a bit scared, but she was determined to prove to herself that she could do it. She got into position, took a deep breath, and started swimming.

As she approached the end of the pool, she felt more and more confident. Her legs and arms moved naturally, and her breathing was steady. When she reached the other side, a big smile spread across her face. She had overcome her fear!

All the other children in the pool applauded and congratulated her. Lisa felt so proud of herself. She realized that the fear of swimming was just an obstacle she had overcome.

From that day onwards, she became a passionate swimmer. She couldn’t wait to go to the pool or the beach with her friends to swim and have fun in the water. The fear of swimming that had held her back for so long had disappeared, replaced by joy and self-confidence.

Lisa realized that overcoming fear required dedication and courage, but it was absolutely worth it.

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